Updated CX artefacts and requirements to reflect:
• Competition and Consumer (Consumer Data Right) Amendment (2024 Measures No. 1) Rules 2024;
• Decision 350: August 2024 Rules - Standards Impacts; and
• Change Request 674: CX Guidelines | Updates stemming from 2024 Consent Review changes.
This includes:
• Visual, UI and Experiential updates to reflect the new rules and standards requirements, including updates to the dashboard information architecture to account for bundled consents, which may include both "incoming" and "outgoing" data requests.
Collection and use consents - default example
Rules changes
• New and updated rule references to reflect renumbered and reworded rules for ADR dashboards, including that the dashboard be readily accessible (new checklist item: 4CM1.00.43; updated checklist items: 4CM1.00.09–10, 4CM1.00.34).
• Retirement of an existing rules requirement relating to CDR receipts due to its removal from the rules package (retired checklist item: 4CM1.00.08)
• Minor updates to checklist references for accuracy and consistency (updated checklist item: 4CM1.00.01)
Guidelines changes
• New CX guideline relating to accessing CDR receipts on the dashboard (updated checklist item: 4CM1.00.44)
• Updates to existing CX guidelines to reflect updated rules references and minor wording and formatting changes (updated checklist items: 4CM1.00.27, 4CM1.00.40–41)
• Retirement of an existing CX guideline to help streamline the dashboard, removing detail previously recommended—but not required—to be included. This is intended to align with the government’s objectives of increasing CDR uptake and reducing obligations for CDR participants (retired checklist reference 4CM1.00.39)
• Minor updates to wording for accuracy and consistency (updated checklist item: 4CM1.00.31)
CDR outsourcing, sponsorship, and CDR representative arrangements
Rules changes
Minor update checklist formatting (updated checklist item: 4CM1.03b.02)
Guidelines changes
• Updates to existing CX guidelines to better align to the updated rules requirements (updated checklist item: 4CM1.03a.07)
• Minor updates to checklist references for accuracy and consistency (updated checklist items: 4CM1.03b.05, 4CM1.03c.13)
• Minor updates to wording and formatting (updated checklist items: 4CM1.03a.09, 4CM1.03b.08–09, 4CM1.03c.08–09)
Amended consents
Rules changes
Updates to existing rules requirements relating to requirements for CDR Receipts (new checklist item: 4CM1.02.02)
Guidelines changes
Minor updates to checklist references for accuracy and consistency (updated checklist items: 4CM1.02.06–07)
CX Guideline page
New open source design asset 4CM1. Collection and use consent v1.33.1.2025.03.07
Consent Management (Data recipient): Collection and use consents