(1) If a data holder receives a consumer data request from an accredited person on behalf of a CDR consumer, the data holder must, in the circumstances specified in a sector Schedule, ensure that it provides the CDR consumer with an online service that: (a) can be used by the CDR consumer to manage authorisations to disclose CDR data in response to the request; and (b) contains the details of each authorisation to disclose CDR data specified in subrule (3); and (ba) contains any information in the data standards that is specified as information for the purposes of this rule; and (bb) contains any information on the Register of Accredited Persons that is specified as information for the purposes of this rule; (2) Such a service is the data holder’s consumer dashboard for that consumer. Note: If the consumer data request relates to a joint account, there may be an obligation to provide all joint account holders with consumer dashboards: see rule 4A.13.
CDR Rule 1.15(1)(a),(b),(ba),(bb), (2)
Consent Management (Data holder): Authorisations
12 August 2020 or earlier
09 May 2022