Change log - Files

Read first Change log attributes Area refers to the applicable stage of the Consent Model. • Item refers to area of work, at a high level. • Description of item provides additional details of the Item and highlights changes between files. Appropriate headings of ‘Initial release’, ‘Added’, ‘Modified’ and ‘Removed’ have been used to aid comprehension. • Status refers to whether the file is active or has been retired. An 'active' file is applicable and current. An 'archived' file may be labelled as such because a newer version has been released, or has been removed from the CX Guidelines. An 'archived' file may still contain valid requirements. These statuses are used to highlight changes between versions of files. • File refers to the file(s) that can be downloaded. • Preview refers to the the ‘view only’ version of the file. • Link points to the relevant artefact, such as the specific CX Guideline page. • Date released refers to the specific date the file was introduced to the CX Guidelines website. The date of release may not necessarily align with standards version dates. • Version introduced refers to the version of the data standards that was current when the file was introduced to the CX Guidelines, starting from version 1.4.0.