This section covers disclosure option management service for joint accounts and secondary user instruction withdrawal.
Data holders must:
- Provide eligible joint account holders with an online service to manage their joint account disclosure options. This is referred to as the disclosure option management service (DOMS); and
- Provide relevant account users with online services to manage data sharing authorities and preferences for joint accounts, secondary users, partnerships, and non-individuals.
Data holders may consider providing a centralised location for managing various CDR account permissions. This could, for example, allow a consumer to:
- access and manage their joint accounts;
- make and withdraw secondary user instructions; and
- manage nominated representatives and permissions for partnerships and non-individuals.
DOMS could be accessible from this location and in relation to the consumer dashboard.
The account permissions guidelines reference key rules, standards, and recommendations for:
- DOMS for joint accounts; and
- secondary user instruction withdrawal.
Certain recommendations and design patterns for joint accounts and secondary users contain elements that can be applied to multi-party accounts more broadly.
CX Guidelines for account permissions
Secondary UsersThese guidelines provide examples for how account holders may change the sharing rights for other account users. Read more about Secondary Users.
Joint account disclosure option management serviceThese guidelines provide examples for how joint account holders may change or remove their disclosure options. Read more about Joint account disclosure option management service.
Last updated
This page was updated @March 17, 2022
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